Sunday, 26 July 2009

My Name Is Bruce

Cinema's all crap at the moment, so it's DVD B-Movie Time.

Most arch and self-referential of all possible movies, Bruce Campbell directs
himself as himself.

It seems that there's this ancient burial ground where all these Chinese miners
were buried in the 1800s, and a Chinese warrior demon spirit type thing was set
to protect the graves. Idiot kids defile the graves, and this blade wielding
demon spirit thing appears and sets about killing everyone in the town. The kid
who did it is a huge Bruce Campbell fan, and thus believes that he is the man
for the job. And so kidnaps him. Campbell thinks he's being wound up by his
agent and goes along with the whole thing. Until people start getting their
heads lopped off anyway.

Bruce Campbell is playing himself as a collossally egotistical, womanising,
alcoholic, cowardly loser asshole, which is where pretty much all the gold in
this movie lies. Everything else is a pretty pale retread of Three Amigos.
When you heard about this movie, *if* you heard about this movie, you either
thought "Cool! Bruce Campbell is awesome!" or you didn't. If you did, then
you'll probably not regret renting or downloading this. If you didn't, then
there's probably nothing in this for you.

6/10 - other than the fact it's BRUCE CAMPBELL, this is a barely competent
movie :)