There's nothing more saddening than a film that clearly wants to be so much cleverer than it is. It wants to be Phone Booth, or Inside Man (it *really* wants to be Inside Man), but the whole thing of "something weird is going on, and you won't know what until the end, and when you put the pieces together you'll marvel at our cleverness" is telegraphed and promised from the start, but that promise very much fails to be delivered on.
So, we have an escaped criminal and possibly innocent man standing on a ledge, threatening to jump, and having got the attention of the police department, this is being used as a misdirection for a heist that's going on nearby. And that's alright as far as it goes, but things rapidly go wrong, and the heisters are quickly falling back on Plan B, which as far as I can see is "wing it." Which leads us with the sad realisation that in the end, the antagonist is defeated only because he did something pretty silly, which the plotters couldn't have predicted he'd do. So really, where's the clever in that?