Friday, 2 October 2009


And while we're on the subject of sweet romantic comedies that don't really
have a lot to say...

This is actually a really incredibly standard movie plot. A protagonist is
forced into a situation they don't like, but finds there love and happiness in
an unexpected place. And if this were a film with Jennifer Anniston or Sandra
Bullock in it, you'd avoid it like ebola.

So, it's not really a question of whether it's an original movie (because it
really isn't), but whether it's a good example of a fairly well represented
genre. And it is!

Set in the eighties, you have Jesse Eisenberg as a guy who's just finished
college, and has to cancel his holidays and work through the summer in order to
afford to go to graduate school the following year. And due to being a English
Lit graduate, he is qualified for basically fucking nothing, and the best he
can do is get a job working the amusements at the local low-rent funfair.
There, he meets a nice girl who's kind of screwed up, and some guys in a
similar position to him.

And so, romance sort of ensues.

It's well written, well acted, and will ring bells of recognition for anyone
who left Uni and thought "now what?" It reminds me in many ways of Juno, and is
made with that kind of indie sensibility, if with a little less originality.