Now, this was a lovely film. Basic synopsis: Teen Girl gets pregnant, decides
to keep it and put it up for adoption, and we go from there. It's a comedy
drama in the best sense of the term. In that it's a drama, funny things happen,
and the characters are well written and witty. Lots of "it's funny because its
true" stuff.
If the film has flaws, and I don't see why it has to have, but if it does, it's
these: First, everyone in it is about 200% wittier than their real life
counterpart. This makes it entertaining to watch, but somewhat unbelievable.
Second, there's not that much dramatic tension here. Will her parents hit the
roof? No, they're really lovely and supportive. Will she get a hard time at
school about it? No, not really. I genuinely spent one section of the film
dreading the arrival of some hideous and horrific occurrence, because everything
was going so well, and my inner dramatist started anticipating that the
dramatic twist was round the corner. And it wasn't, really.
So, it's gentle, it's funny, there's no nasty surprises, Essentially, an
eminently enjoyable film. Just don't expect to be on the edge of your seat at
any point. Unless like me you have a tendency to slouch.